

People are very frustrated by “Professional Politicians”.  In other words, people that are elected and just seek to be re-elected.  They do not represent their constituents or the people they were put into office by.

If you look at the history of our great nation, people used to be elected into positions and considered it “service” to their fellow man.  Very much like serving in other public responsibilities such as the service.

In other words, they were elected into their roles and considered it to be an act of service to their community.  Now people are elected into roles and they continually seek to remain in public office.  Not because they are interested in serving the public but because they want to remain in office and be paid by the people that elected them.

Harlan Sanford is not a professional politician.  He spent most of his working life serving the people of his community and will do the same as President of the United States.  He believes “we the people” are the ones that put him there and should serve those same people.

No longer should we ever hear the words “the better of two evils” when it come time to vote.  We should choose the person that will best represent the needs of our community.

Harlan Sanford believes that for too long big government has been in control.  As a man of the people, Harlan believes that he is here to serve you.  He is a True Public Servant that wants to serve the people of the United States.

If you want to have a voice, please support Harlan Sanford at and vote for him on Election Day.

Thank You


On July 30, 2024, vote for
Harlan Sanford for President

Paid for by Rosenthal4Sheriff Committee
Authorized by Sandy Rosenthal

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